Monday, March 12, 2007

Why O Why...

I bought a bag of Starburst yesterday from the store and brought them to nibble on at work (I am not a sweets person AT ALL but this pregnancy makes me need it desperately). I like Starburst flavors in this love pink, love orange, like yellow, not so much like red. To my disappointment, the bag is packed full of red, 10 yellow, about 6 orange and I swear there are only 3 or 4 pink ones! This a cruel joke. Why would there not be at least close to the same number of all 4 flavors. It just isn't fair:( I love how serious I can sound about the disappointment I feel about the lack of my favorite flavors of Starburst! Cruel, cruel world we live in.

One of my favorite words is audacity. Hardly ever hear it but it's a good one.

My baby looks like a baby in the ultra sound pictures! The heart beat is fast and it wiggles it's arms and legs.

1 comment:

barlows said...

YAY YAY YAY! I didn't even know you had a blog until my sister-in-law, who lurks on your blog through my blog, told me today at lunch. She said she was bummed when you said you weren't gonna blog anymore and I was like, what? Blog? What blog? You mean my space? No No, low and behold. I am glad you're blogging. Keep it up . . . I love seeing your pics of the baby! How's the house renovating going? Loves to ya!