Wednesday, June 6, 2007

UFC Champion

My boy is a wild and crazy kicking and punching machine:) It is crazy how active he is during the day and especially at night. If this is an indicator of how active he is going to be when he is born, I'm in trouble. I can't believe I will be 6 months pregnant in a week! It has gone by so fast! At first I was a little freaked out, waiting to feel him. Now I love that I get to feel him all's like a secret party going on that only I know about. I can't wait to kiss this baby and smother him with lovins.

He will undoubtedly be the most spoiled child on this planet. I will have to work extra hard to teach him that you he can't always get what he wants because I know that my mom and dad will be waiting in the wings to get him whatever he desires:) It will be a first grandchild for both of them and they can hardly stand it:) My mom is of course more open about how excited she is but my dad drops his little hints here and there about how he can't wait to be somebody's grandpa and all of the stuff he's going to teach him. I think my dad is mostly excited because I'm having a boy. He had 3 girls, no boys and although he says he doesn't think he missed out on anything, I know he's thrilled to have a boy in the family. He was thrilled to have a son-in-law when I married Travis, so I can only imagine how happy he is to be having a grandson. I'm so happy that my baby will be surrounded by so much love in his life. I was never very close with my grandparents and once we moved to California, I didn't really get to see my aunts, uncles or cousins very often. When I moved to Las Vegas, I never saw or heard from anyone. I know of course that this was partially my fault but it was never instilled in me by my parents how important grandparents are. I know my boy will know and love and appreciate his grandparents and that makes me happy. I also have a webcam, so both my mom and Sarah can check in on him whenever they want:) I think eventually Sarah will move here and I know my mom will come here all of the time once he is born. Family is the most important thing to me and I hope to pass that on by example to Cole.

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