Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Well...my 30th birthday sucked. Being one not to dwell on things, I'm not going to go into great detail but lets just say that EVERYONE from Travis' family forgot my birthday and when I say everyone, I mean everyone (even Travis). I understand that he knows my birthday is June 14th and he was unaware that Thursday's date was June 14th but come on. Put forth a little effort. We have been together for eleven years and this is the first time he completely forgot, which I guess is ok, as long as it never happens again:) Whatever, I'm over it.

Being 30 really isn't much different than being 29. I haven't really even thought about the fact that I am 30 until writing about it right now. I'm definitely more consumed with the birth of my first baby!! He is definitely growing like a weed inside of me because he can reach all new places to kick. My sister Sarah's bridal shower is this weekend and I'm so looking forward to seeing my sisters and mom!! I fly up Saturday morning and I rented a car, so I have to drive to Chico all by myself for the very first time. Ususally, my mom or sister pick me up from the airport but I decided to let them off the hook and just drive myself. The more I think about it, I wish I wouldn't have because I will miss the conversation:( It is an hour and a half drive from the airport in Sacramento to Chico and it usually flies by when I have someone to talk to. Oh well, it will be an experience.

Travis finally started putting down our wood floors and they look awesome. I can't wait until they're done. Travis stayed the night in Mesquite last night which sucked big time. He is trying to get a big job done there, so that all of his workers can be here in Las Vegas to work on their next job at Nellis Airforce Base. He is such a hard worker and I love him for that but I definitely hate it when it keeps him away from me. I don't like sleeping alone:( Well, that is a recap of my uneventful life.

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