Friday, March 14, 2008

Coming home...

Travis is coming home today after being gone for 3 whole weeks up in Wyoming. He has been gone since January 3rd but has been coming home every two weeks until this time it was three. I'm so happy he will be here to see his boy and all the great things he does now. Hopefully Cole kind of remembers who he is:( He is staying for 5 days and then going back up for who knows how long. This whole Wyoming fiasco is supposed to be over in May but I wouldn't be surprised if it lasted longer based on the company he is working for. I HATE that he is gone and no matter of rationalizing on his part or anyone elses excuses the fact that he is missing out on his first child's first experiences and accomplishments. Not to mention he left his wife ALONE to take care of their child. Of course everything is fine and I am doing what needs to be done but that doesn't mean it is a piece of cake or that I enjoy being a single mom. I will not be letting this go anytime soon and I plan on holding a grudge for a VERY long time after all of this is over. Call me bitter but I think that Cole and I should come first ALWAYS. And the fact that we pulled 2nd and 3rd place in this whole thing pisses me off to no end. Yes, I will forgive Travis because I love him but that doesn't mean I will be forgiving anyone else anytime soon or ever forgetting what this has been like for me.

I consider myself incredibly lucky that I have such a wonderful and beautiful boy. He is honestly the light of my life and makes everything I do worth while. He is growing so fast and does something new every day. He can sit up now really well and can stand while holding on to something. He grabs at everything he can get his little hands close to and EVERYTHING goes into his mouth. He pushes up onto his knees and rocks back and forth. I'm hoping this continues for a while before he figures out how to move forward. My house is nowhere near baby proofed. I actually thought I'd have until Travis came home for good to get everything ready for him to crawl. Looks like I need to get busy:) For the most part he is not a fussy baby. He is really happy and just chills. I love him so much and I am so impressed by him!! What an amazing boy!!


barlows said...

Oh, honey! I've been thinking about you and wanting to get over this crud so you and Cole can hang out with us. Hang in there and enjoy your five days with Travis!

Anonymous said...

Hey there! It's Aunt Pennie's family...we just started a blog too but it's nowhere near done right now. Cole is such a cutie! We wished we lived closer to you guys so we could see you all the time. Good luck with the little one! Love you guys!