Thursday, March 20, 2008

Not a good idea...

This morning I decided to give Cole breakfast for the first time before we left for work. He got up a little late and I took a shower, so we were going to be late for work already. So I decided, what the hey, I will give him a little oatmeal/applesauce/banana before we left. He was in his Jumperoo and not bouncing, so without thinking, I started to feed him where he was. BAD IDEA! He got so excited about the food that he started squealing and bouncing like crazy and spit his food all over himself, me and the Jumperoo! Fun times. I figured since I already started and we were already messy, I would just finish where we were. I tried to hold the "bouncy" as best as I could with my legs while I fed him the rest. Not the best unplanned plan I've ever had but at least it was a lesson learned:) I will never attempt to feed him in his bouncy, no matter how calm he appears to be. The boy loves his food!

1 comment:

John and Heather Davis said...

I myself have lived that mistake, but with the walker. Owen would get mad when I held it still and would kick his feet and grab at the spoon so food got everywhere. GOOD TIMES, GOOD TIMES;)