Thursday, March 8, 2007

Ok Go...

SO, I haven't been keeping up in my journal, so I figured since I come to work everyday and I read everyone elses' blogs, I should just write mine. I really thought I would be better about writing in my journal because I have it next to my bed and I see it every night. Unfortunately, by the time I go to bed, I am so flippin' tired, I crawl into bed with my eyes already closed:)

I have been throwing up in the morning for the past 4 days! I'm 10 weeks today and have another ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow. The more I think about it, the more I think I'm going to have a girl. I wouldn't mind if I had all girls. I came from all girls and I don't think I missed anything not have having a brother. I can't imagine my life without my sisters! Travis would of course care if we had only girls but I think having a girl first would be good for him. He asks me everyday how his "son" is doing:) He's a goob. I can't wait until I find out what we're having! I will be happy having either sex, as long as he/she is healthy & happy!

My dreams have gotten absolutely crazy the last few weeks. I have been having very intense realistic dreams about people I have known throughout my life. Strangely enough, they have mostly involved the guys from my past. I honestly wake up thinking, "Did that actually happen?". Then I have to shake it off and convince myself that I never did any of it. I almost always remember my dreams but being pregnant has really intensified the feelings and just the reality of my dreams. Sometimes it's nice and other times it freaks me out but overall, it's kind of neat to see all of my old friends:)

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