Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My Baby, the Gymnast...

Had my appointment yesterday and my baby is doing fabulous. In fact, it would hardly hold still for us to look at it:) My doc called it a "mover and a shaker" and asked me what I had for lunch that made my baby so crazy. I told her I had a hot dog and she laughed and said, "dang, your baby must really love hot dogs". Well duh...it is MY baby:) It kept doing karate kicks and making my doc & I laugh. My next appointment isn't until the 23rd of April and that seems so far away, especially because I was spoiled with ultra sounds at the fertility clinic every two weeks. My baby is getting SO BIG! I saw its profile and its tiny little bump of a nose! I'm tired of referring to my kid as baby, it & kid!! I can't wait to know the sex, so I can at least refer to it as he or she!

I can't wait for my nausea to go away completely. Hopefully I won't be one of those women who is sick the entire time! I really did have it pretty good though, up until a few weeks ago. We are picking floors and carpets this weekend and I'm SO excited! I really think that once I get my floors done and hang everything on the walls, my house will not even remotely resemble my dad's house! I can't wait. Next we will start on the baby room. Travis' parents are giving us $300 toward a crib and I have been thinking about buying a convertible bed (one that changes from a crib to a regular bed. I haven't looked at prices yet but I figure if it is well made and converts properly, I'll probably be saving $ in the long run. My energy is slowly returning:) I find myself yawning less and less. Speaking of, I need to go home and take a nap:)

1 comment:

barlows said...

Glad you're home; glad I'm home. Let's do lunch one of these days soon. Hope every day you're feeling a bit better. Nikki Larson (from choir) found me on myspace. Crazy.