Monday, August 13, 2007

Man, was I grumpy or what!?

I just read my last post and it made me laugh. I was so flippin' angry when I wrote all of that. Definitely not feeling like myself:) I'm feeling much better today and I got SO much done this weekend, I am quite proud of myself. I made a list (gotta love lists) that was three pages long of stuff that I wanted to get done around the house and crossed off almost 3/4 of it by the time Travis got home on Sunday afternoon. He was very impressed and told me I was amazing for being able to do most of it with my big ol' belly. He did get a little miffed that I did some of it because I moved some heavy stuff (although I did move it with a hand truck, so it's not like I actually lifted any of it) but I explained that if he would have been here, he could have moved it himself but since he wasn't, I did (so pbhllt). He scored major brownie points with me on Saturday because he sent me a BEAUTIFUL bouquet of flowers:) It's funny, when I think about getting flowers, I am never too keen on the idea because there are only a few flowers that I actually like and I don't like the idea of them dying. BUT when I get flowers, it's a whole different story. I was tickled and smelled them all day and thought about how much I love that man of mine. I'm psychotic!! They were so gorgeous...all orange and yellow (my fave). Anyway, my house is slowly coming together and I am definitely nesting...I can feel it. I DO NOT like to clean in a any way shape or form. I avoid it at all costs and do the minimum always (which is why I really need to hire a maid). But I swear, this whole last week I have been craving to clean EVERYTHING (I might as well be doing all of it with a toothbrush) and get everything organized in my house. When I got into the shower on Saturday to take a shower, I ended up cleaning it for the 1st 15 minutes I was in there and eventually had to convince myself just to take a shower because I was going to run out of hot water. It is crazy! I can't wait to get our carpets in and get everything hung on the walls.

I really do wish that I was more amped to have a garage sale. I've never actually put one on by myself before and I am not keen to sit in my driveway and have strangers go through my stuff. My sister Sarah keeps giving me crap and says that if she were here, she would do it for me because it is so fun to have people give you money for crap that you are just going to throw away. Sorry, I have zero desire to have a garage sale. I am not throwing it all away though. I am going to give it all to good will. I have dvd racks, tons of bedding and lots of clothes and shoes. There are two Bose speakers that we never hooked up that I just want out of my sight and a really nice Rebox treadmill that we spent a pretty penny for back in the day that I don't want to look at anymore. I have my spin bike and my pool and that's all I need:) I'm sure we could get some decent $ for all of our unwanted stuff but I am absolutely not motivated to sell it. It makes me feel better to give it to charity anyway:) I have to work now...see ya!

1 comment:

barlows said...

ah, girl, I will so hook you up with company for your garage sale. This Sarah agrees with your Sarah, it rocks. Then you get to reward yourself by going out to a dinner that your junk bought you. I'm gonna stop by later tonight to get those pics and drop off your invite, wanna make sure you make it to your shower.