Thursday, August 16, 2007

Only SEVEN more weeks!!!

Until my due date!! I can't believe how fast it is going by. I swear the last 3 months flew by the fastest. My belly is undeniably large with baby and I love it! I do miss being able to lean forward and I don't really enjoy baby parts getting stuck in my ribs but other than that, I'm having a GREAT time! My baby shower is in 2 days and my family is all going to be here ( least my sisters and mom). I'm having a very non poopy day today and I feel fabulous. Thank goodness for these days to help erase the ones that super suck:) I'm still on my cleaning rampage and I am feeling really good about all that I have accomplished. Now if I can just get Travis to move the big stuff that I can't, I would be in heaven:) I really feel less overwhelmed by my remaining list of things to do and I am finally feeling somewhat ready for my baby Cole to make his entrance. I can't wait:) I love my life! Now, if only I can continue to remind myself of this when I'm having a crap day:)

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